Sunday 11 November 2012

Part four

Winston had gotten the idea of renting a room from the old shopkeeper he had bought his diary and the glass paperweight from, and he ran the idea past Julia, whom had no objection to it. So he did so and they now had a place where they could meet, even if it was a bigger risk, they both saw it as a home, as a sanctuary from the outside world. A place where they could lay back and enjoy each others company, talk freely and feel safe while doing it.

Both of them knew — in a way, it was never out of their minds — that what was now happening could not last long. There were times when the fact of impending death seemed as palpable as the bed they lay on, and they would cling together with a sort of despairing sensuality, like a damned soul grasping at his last morsel of pleasure when the clock is within five minutes of striking. But there were also times when they had the illusion not only of safety but of permanence. So long as they were actually in this room, they both felt, no harm could come to them. Getting there was difficult and dangerous, but the room itself was sanctuary.

Winston tried to talk more deeply about the party and its doings with Julia, but she was rather uninterested in it all. She hated the party and everything it stood for, but had no real interest of a deeper philosophical understanding of its doings, and why it was wrong.

One knew it was all rubbish , so why let oneself be worried by it? She knew when to cheer and when to boo, and that was all that one needed. If he persisted in talking of such subjects, she had a disconcerting habit of falling asleep.”

““You're only a rebel from the waist downwards” he told her.
She thought this brilliantly witty and flung her arms around him in delight.”

In a way, the world-view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested through the body of a bird.

One day at work Winston had a run in with O'Brien, a inner party member. O'Brien had initiated a conversation with Winston about some articles Winston had rewritten in new-speak in some old newspapers. He had taken a notice to the way Winston was rather good at such tasks and offered him to lend the newest edition of new-speak dictionary. The way O'Brien said things made Winston think that this was “it”. He thought that O'Brien was part of a underground resistance or some such, or that through him he would get in contact with it. O'Brien had put down his living address down to paper for Winston to swing by and borrow the dictionary.

Again Winston's heart stirred painfully. It was inconceivable that this was anything other than a reference to Syme. But Syme was not only dead, he was abolished, an unperson. Any identifiable reference to him would have been mortally dangerous. O'Brien's remark must obviously have been intended as a signal, a code word. By sharing a small act of thoughtcrime he had turned the two of them into accomplices.”

Waking up with eyes full of tears from a nap, Winston had a dream that lead him to think about the last time he remembers seeing his mother and sister. Things were bad when Winston was a child. The country torn by war and starvation. He remembers the way his mother was after his father had left and his selfish outbursts, and what transpired between him and his mother and sister before they disappeared. The way his mother was, cold and distant, but still naturally and instinctively caring for the children. He felt that the party had killed off that part of humanity, but he got an epiphany that the proles still had that.

The proles, it suddenly occurred to him, had remained in this condition. They were not loyal to a party or a country or an idea, they were loyal to one another. For the first time in his life he did not despise the proles or think of them merely as an inert force which would one day spring to life and regenerate the world. The proles had stayed human. They had not become hardened inside. They had held on to the primitive emotions which he himself had to relearn by conscious effort.”

Winston shared this with Julia and they talked about how even when they get taken by the thought-police, they can make you say anything through torture and make them confess and give up each other, but they can't remove or change their feelings towards each other.

Facts, at any rate, could not be kept hidden. They could be tracked down by inquiry, they could be squeezed out of you by torture. But if the object was not to stay alive but to stay human, what difference did it ultimately make? They could not alter your feelings: for that matter you could not alter them yourself, even if you wanted to. They could lay bare in the utmost detail everything that you had done or said or thought; but the inner heart, whose workings were mysterious even to yourself, remained impregnable.”


I remember seeing the movie the book she is reading is based on, thus commenting.

First victim of my pointless and “try-hard” humorous commenting.

Victim number two.

Muslin = [bomulls]lärft
Contralto = alt; altstämma, kontraalt; kontraaltstämma.
Driveling = dilla, dravla, prata smörja.
Frock = [lätt vardags]klänning.
Wainscot = panel[ning], boasering, brädfodring.
Prompt = snabb, snar, omgående.
Embellish = försköna, utsira, pryda.
Febrile = feber-; feberaktig.
Perilous = farlig, vådlig, riskabel.
Exhortation = maning, uppmaning, uppmuntran; pådrivande tal.
Acrid = bitter, skarp; kärv.
Indignation = indignation, harm, förtryelse.
Morsel = munsbit; bit, smula; stycke, läckerhet.
Acute = spetsig, skarp, genomträngande.
Impudent = oförskämd, fräck, oblyg.
Tended = välskött, välvårdad.
Superfluous = överflödig, onödig.
Simian = ap-; [människo]apliknande.
Statuesque = statylik, statuarisk; ståtlig.
Sordid = smutsig, eländig.

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