Saturday 1 December 2012


The last part of the book, mostly happening in The Ministry of Love, is gut-wrenching horrific to read. I felt almost physically ill reading as I was so immersed into the book. It really hit me hard.

I really did like the book, it was even better than I remembered, partly because my English has gotten a bit better and generally my view of things have had a drastic change in the last year.

The plot and the world where it played out are magnificent. The book has a very rich usage of words I've never seen or heard before, so I learned something new, but I don't know if I'll forget them when they simply aren't words that are used nowadays that often. New-speak and the concepts of doublethink, crimestop, unperson etc, are things one won't forget easily.

All in all I loved the book, and I might check out more of Orwell's work.